Laser Marking Systems Green laser marking systems (Nd:YVO4, 532 nm)
FOBA's "Green Laser" V.0102-gn bridges the gap between UV (355 nm) and fiber (1064 nm) lasermarkers and addresses the most challenging marking applications - with outstanding speed and contrast sharpness! It enables the marking of materials that only absorb certain wavelengths. These include special white or transparent plastics in medical technology, products made of material combinations in automotive engineering or highly reflective precious metals.
Product Release The new FOBA V-Series: Compact, sustainable plastic marking
Discover the revolutionary new UV and Green Laser Marker of the FOBA V-Series now: compact design, flexible integration and excellent marking quality on plastics such as HDPE, PVC and PP. Optimize your production with our future-proof technology.
V.0042-uv FOBA's ultraviolet marking laser
UV Laser Marker for high-contrast markings on highly sensitive products
V.0102-gn FOBA's Green Laser Marker
"Cool" and compact marking technology: 10 watt Vanadat laser with 532 nm wavelength for high contrasts and speeds when marking demanding surfaces
FOBA Green Laser Marker
The Green Laser has a wavelength of 532 nanometers and is therefore located in the middle of the visible - and in this case green - wavelength range. Compared to our infrared marking lasers, which have a wavelength of 1064 nanometers, the heat input of the Green Laser is relatively low. Our UV Lasers have even less influence on the surface. These do not affect the material through heat, but through a photochemical reaction.
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Benefits of the Green Laser Marker
Our customers operate in highly regulated industries, they are manufacturers of medical technology or automotive OEMs. Here, laser marking not only has to produce characters that are permanently and reliably readable. In addition to the quality of the marked characters, factors such as process reliability are also important, meaning that the marking technology must meet the required standards in the long term.
- High marking speed with up to 6,000mm/s or 700 characters/s
- Can be combined with the camera-based FOBA workflow
- IMP technology with intelligent marking alignment and integrated component and character inspection
- Easy operation with FOBA MarkUS, FOBA Draw or browser-based with FOBA Go
- Can be integrated into the M-Series
In which areas of application is the Green Laser used?
The system is suitable for marking white, transparent or soft, highly flexible plastics, which are often used in medical technology. In the case of plastics, we have also seen that convincingly good contrasts have been achieved on red or orange surfaces. Another particular advantage of the Green Laser is that it largely eliminates the need for laser additives in the plastic.
However, the Green Laser is also suitable for glass fiber reinforced plastics or for highly reflective precious metals. Here, the wavelength of the green laser matches the respective absorption behavior of the material.
The requirements for plastic markings also vary depending on their properties, function and use.
There is hardly any metal that cannot be processed using laser marking or laser engraving.
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- What is a Green Laser, and how does this marking system differ from other FOBA products?
The Green Laser has a wavelength of 532 nanometers, putting it in the middle of the visible – and in this case green – wavelength range. Compared to our infrared marking lasers, which have a wavelength of 1,064 nanometers, the heat input from the Green Laser is relatively low. Our UV Lasers have even less impact on the surface. This is because they affect the material by photochemical reaction instead of heat.
- How does the integration of the new system into existing production lines work?
Due to the relatively compact design, installation is easily feasible. All common interfaces and communication protocols are possible during integration. As far as operation is concerned: We will also be offering browser-based control with FOBA Go together with the Green Laser in addition to the familiar FOBA software, which then eliminates the need for a PC to control the marking process. We have also succeeded in making the laser head so compact that the Green Laser will be able to be integrated into our M-series marking workstations.
- What are FOBA's reasons for developing the Green Marking Laser?
As with all new or further developments of our products, we react to customer and market requirements. In this case, we were confronted with application requirements that are traditionally tackled with the UV Laser because they involve heat-sensitive surfaces. However, there were materials for which the UV Marking Laser could not achieve the required contrast sharpness.
With the Green Laser, we are closing the gap between UV and infrared lasers. Our marking tests on the relevant materials have really convinced us! Not only were we able to achieve the best contrasts with the Green Laser, but in many cases we were also able to mark twice as fast as with the UV Systems!
- How can this marking performance be explained?
Certain materials have a high absorption behavior in the green and UV wavelength range. Combined with a very high power of up to 14 watts in this range, we achieve the best results - and at high speed.
- What does the Green Laser from FOBA cost?
The acquisition costs are roughly the same as for a UV Laser. However, if you then consider the service life of the laser source, it quickly becomes clear that the TCO, i.e. the total cost of ownership of the system over its service life, is very favorable. In addition, as with the other FOBA systems, it can be assumed that extremely low maintenance requirements and hardly any consumables keep follow-up costs low.