Product finder for marking lasers Find the perfect laser!
Find out in just a few steps which marking laser is best suited to your application - whether metal, plastic or other materials.
Product Release The new FOBA V-Series: Compact, sustainable plastic marking
Discover the revolutionary new UV and Green Laser Marker of the FOBA V-Series now: compact design, flexible integration and excellent marking quality on plastics such as HDPE, PVC and PP. Optimize your production with our future-proof technology.
At a glance Changing course
Whether pad printing, labeling, drop on demand or continuous inkjet (CIJ): The trend is towards lasers.
Welcome Direct Part Marking with Laser
Experts in Industrial Laser Marking
For five decades, we have been writing with light, developing and manufacturing leading laser marking solutions for direct part and product marking. With our internationally proven laser and application know-how and industry-tested marking lasers and laser marking workstations, we reliably and economically make our mark on countless products in all industries. Integrated imaging, innovative software functions and comprehensive services as well as globally competent consulting and first-class customer service nicely complete our portfolio.
Brand new: The V-Series
The new FOBA V-Series offers a compact UV and a Green Laser for precise and sustainable product marking. Thanks to its flexible integration and outstanding marking quality, it is ideal for the electronics, automotive and medical technology industries. The V-Series reliably marks plastics such as HDPE, PVC and PP as well as other materials.
We love to solve the most demanding applications! Be it in the medical device marking or automotive part marking sectors or in any other industrial product identification and traceability field.
Industrial Solutions
We help medical, automotive, electronics, and plastics and metalworking companies to make permanent UDI/UID, identification, decoration and branding marks to ensure reliable traceability. Top quality and seamless line, machine or process integration and automation are always part of the solution.
Service & Support
Our service begins long before the laser purchase, and it's about maximum uptime and customer satisfaction. Therefore our services ranges from product and application consulting, installation and training to technical and parts service at global locations.
Latest News & Insights
FOBA Laser Marking + Engraving, a leading supplier of laser marking systems, is pleased to announce the appointment of…
Laser marking systems are the sustainable alternative to traditional labeling, CIJ, and tampon printing. With the…
Various processes have become established for marking industrial parts. During the last years there is a clear trend…
Black marking is a term used in the field of laser marking. The term refers to an effect that creates a deep black,…
This question inevitably concerns all those looking for a coding solution. That's why we asked our laser experts what is…
FOBA Laser Marking + Engraving, a leading supplier of laser marking systems, is pleased to announce the appointment of…
Laser marking systems are the sustainable alternative to traditional labeling, CIJ, and tampon printing. With the…
To increase output and improve profit per part, forward thinking manufacturers are transforming their laser marking…
With the UDI system (Unique Device Identification) manufacturers are obliged to identify and register medical devices.…
We bring you up to date on the current status of UDI direct marking of medical devices and give an overview of the UDI…
Learn how LPKF, as a supplier of laser-based production solutions, integrated FOBA's Titus™ marking head into a laser…
About us
Highest technological laser and application know-how. Innovative customer-specific solutions. Worldwide competent consulting and first-class customer service. This is what sets FOBA apart. That is: Laser at your service.