Ice-breaking – Laser Marking with FOBA Mosaic

Winter is not over yet, snow and ice must still be expected… But ice won’t have a chance with the people who visited the FOBA booth at the Intec-show this month in Leipzig. They had the opportunity to take their own ice scrapers with them, even personalized with their names.
Our video shows the marking of a white plastic ice scraper with a FOBA Y.0200 20 Watt fiber laser marking machine, using the innovative mark alignment feature FOBA Mosaic™: Fixture-less marking and back and front side identification with Through-the-Lens-Vision.
Two ice scrapers are placed at random positions within the marking field. The software, after identifying which is the upper side and the positioning of each part, aligns the laser and applies each intended mark exactly at the intended position. To show the flexibility of FOBA Mosaic™, the ice scrapers are moved into different positions and marked again with precise repeatability.