My Marking System Runs on a Windows 7 PC: What do I Need to Know When Microsoft will End the Support?
On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will end the support for Windows 7. After that you won’t receive any technical support or software updates via Windows Update for the protection of your PC! After January 14, 2020, your system as well as the application and production files on your PC will be more vulnerable to security breaches and viruses.
Read through the frequently asked questions before you upgrade your system to Windows 10 to avoid data loss or failure of your marking system.
What happens if I keep using Windows 7?
If you stay with Windows 7 after the support ends, your laser marking system will work as expected, but it will be more vulnerable to security breaches and viruses. For now your PC will work, but you won’t receive any software updates from Microsoft and FOBA.
Is there an upgrade opportunity to Windows 10 for my marking system?
If your system had been assembled after March 1, 2017, then your PC is compatible with Windows 10. Nevertheless you need an update of the marking software to MarkUS 2.12 as well as an update of the firmware. This can be achieved easily and cost-effective with a remote session through the FOBA/Alltec service team.
If your system has been manufactured before March 1, 2017, then your PC needs to be exchanged to gain Windows 10 compatibility. These new PCs are faster, easier to use, more powerful and safer.
How do I carry out a Windows 10 Update?
Please contact us before you carry out an update of your operating system, and book a remote session. Without an update of our laser marking software MarkUS and without an update of the firmware your system will not work anymore. In addition to that you will lose your application data and it will not be functionable anymore!
Please note that a WIN10 update is only available for our current product portfolio. Obsolete systems, e.g. of the DP series are not WIN10 compatible and can therefore not be updated.
My system is validated. Anything I need to pay attention to before updating?
To comply with FDA regulations, you need to revalidate your system. On the one hand, Windows 10 uses different software drivers, on the other hand, MarkUS 2.12 has new features that should get validated. Based on our experience and expertise we’re happy to help you with your revalidation. More information about IQOQPQ.
What can I do to avoid revalidation?
Because of the Windows 7 obsolescence a spare part delivery of a Windows 7 PC won’t be available after January 14, 2020. We can however offer the option of ordering a Windows 7 back up PC to avoid a revalidation in case of a PC problem.
Am I able to activate Windows 7 after January 14, 2020?
Windows 7 can be installed and activated even after the support has ended. Because of the lack of security updates it will be more vulnerable for security breaches and viruses. Microsoft highly recommends to use Windows 10 after January 14, 2020.